What is the Park Silly Sunday Market?
The Park Silly Sunday Market is an eco friendly, open-air market and street festival. It is a treasure box that features unique and eclectic-local and regional arts and crafts, music and performance art, antiques, one-of-a-kind finds and delicious gourmet foods. It is as unique as our town.
Are the vendors the same every week?
In fact we are unique every week, but if there is a specific vendor you are wondering about just give us a call (435) 714-4036 or drop us an email.
What do I need for the Market?
- Canvas bags and a basket or cooler to keep your veggies fresh and unsmooshed.
- Sun hat and sunscreen.
- Dress in layers, this is Park City, you never know what the weather is going to do!
- Stay hydrated – bring a reusable water bottle and fill up at one of our many free water stations located throughout the Market.
Is the Market A Place for Elders? Are Children, Strollers and Wagons Allowed?
Absolutely, bring the whole family.
There is free live music, performers, and activities for the kids. We want the Market to be a weekend ritual, an opportunity to reconnect with our family and friends. The Market is handicapped accessible.
Can I bring my dog?
BUT, please make sure to keep your dog on a leash and bring your own doggie bag to clean up after your pet. In the summer months asphalt temperatures can exceed 135* and can be very uncomfortable for our 4-legged friends, we hope that responsible pet owners will leave their pets home when temps are above 85*. If your dog does not like to be around or approached by unknown faces or children, please reconsider bringing him/her. We want to keep this a canine friendly event.
Venue Map?
If I drove, where can I park?
The easiest and most convenient option for drive-in visitors is to park at Park City High School (free!) and take the City Bus (also free!) to Main Street. There is limited paid parking available in the China Bridge parking structure and the Old Town area. Be sure to read all posted signs – parking fees, time limits or residential permit requirements are strictly enforced by the City. We encourage riding your bike (we offer a free bike valet), walking or taking the bus to the market.
What Do I Do If I Rode My Bike and Want To Buy Something Too Large To Carry?
YES! We love that you rode your bike! Most vendors will be happy to mark your items as “Sold” and make arrangements for you to pick them up at a later time. Get your vendor’s name and contact information, and keep your receipt, just in case you get a flat and don’t make it back before we close. Park City also has large taxi vans that would be happy to transport your bike and your new found treasures to wherever it is you need to go. The city busses have bike racks also. View bus routes.
How Do I Get To The Market?
Where is The Market?
Located on Historic Main Street in Park City Utah.
When does the market take place?
Select Sundays this summer. 10 am to 5 pm, rain or shine: June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, July 14, 21, September 1, 8, 15, 22
What Is No Trace Left Behind / Zero Waste Market?
“No Trace Left Behind” is a nationwide effort to take responsibility for ourselves and the impact we make daily on the environment. It involves following the same rules in our everyday lives that we follow when hiking or camping: “Pack it in, Pack it out” or in the case of the Park Silly Sunday Market, taking advantage of the Zero Waste stations located throughout the Market. Zero Waste emphasizes the “recycle” in Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. All of our food vendors are using recyclable utensils, cups, and plates. We sort these items in the Zero Waste containers and food waste gets fed to the pigs in Kamas. In 2023, our successful Zero Waste program resulted in only 17% of our trash going to the landfill – that’s an 83% diversion rate! That’s 183,000 visitors and 15,596 lbs of trash recycled! I know, it’s sooo cool. Learn More about Zero Waste
How do I volunteer?
Information and instructions can be found here.
Didn’t find what you were looking for?
Email us or call (435) 714-4036 with any other questions.
The Park Silly Sunday Market is a 501(C)3 not for profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.
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