Thank you for your interest in participating at the Park Silly Sunday Market.
We are committed to our vendors, participants and community, and will do everything in our power to make your experience with us enjoyable, lively and profitable. In 2024, the Park Silly Sunday Market saw over 186,000 people and averaged 16,000 people per Sunday. Vendors should keep in mind that they are not required to participate every Sunday; however, vendors ARE required to participate all day 10am – 5pm, rain or shine, on each day approved on their application.
We look very carefully at the entire range of products being offered by our vendors. We use an online application system called Manage My Market. All vendors are admitted based on what type of products we feel will enhance the Market experience. All products should be attractive to Market customers without diluting the existing product base. We welcome new vendors every week and strive to always keep variety at the Market. Vendors have the option to choose the specific Sundays on which they want to participate. We do not provide exclusivity for any vendor or product type. Not all applications are accepted/invited. Please note that vendors must agree to all policies outlined in the Vendor Handbook – updates include No-Show/Cancel fee for any vendor that arrives late, leaves early, no-shows or cancels with less than 72 hours written notice.

The Park Silly Sunday Market prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. Park Silly Sunday Market is an apolitical organization and does not allow promotion of any political party or individual within the Market boundaries.
Park Silly Sunday Market runs 11 Sundays in 2025: June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, July 13, 20, August 31, September 7, 14 and 21. For more details check out our Vendor Handbook.
Booth Pricing PER Sunday. All booth spaces MUST be paid for before the Market starts – space is NOT RESERVED for any vendor until their booth fees are PAID.
Deadline Feb. 1
Service Vendor
Youth Vendor
Gourmet Food
On-site Food
Deadline Feb. 1 $350
Snack Food
Deadline Feb. 1 $225
Refundable* Deposit (see Handbook) $300
See next section for a detailed description of each vendor type.
Additional Fees:
• Application Fee – $30 non-refundable fee per application
• Corner Booth – $50 per Sunday (corner is defined by a 5 ft. break between next structure)
Two Payment Options:
Choose to PAY IN FULL within 30 DAYS of applying or, choose the INSTALLMENT PLAN and enjoy the convenience of paying booth fees in smaller monthly payments. ALL BOOTH FEES MUST BE PAID IN FULL BY MAY 15th. For those vendors that apply after the market season has begun, PAYMENT IN FULL will be required AT TIME OF ACCEPTANCE. Please be advised that booth space may sell out between the time you are accepted and the time your payment is received.
Your application will not be reviewed without payment of the required application fee AND pictures of your products and booth display. Please upload pictures to the product section of your application to expedite the process.
As an administrative necessity PSSM only sends invoices invoices electronically. Therefore, only those vendors with a valid email address shall be eligible.
*Park Silly Sunday Market does not accept the following types of businesses: IMPORTERS/Re-Sellers, Direct Market Sales, Multi Level Marketing Sales, Dietary Supplements of any kind, or non FDA approved items of any kind.
Vendor Types & Descriptions

A vendor that sells unique, art and handmade crafts (excluding food and jewelry). Starting materials must be significantly altered and enhanced by the artist. Jewelry NOT permitted in this category.

APPLICATION DEADLINE 2/1. A vendor that sells unique, handmade jewelry of their own making and design. Limited space available in this category. This is a juried category. All applications and pictures must be submitted before Feburary 1. Product quality and uniqueness will be reviewed by a jury and selected vendors will be notified in March. Payment in full will be due within 30 days of invite.

Service Vendor
A vendor providing on-site services to market attendees (ex: massage, face painting, henna, etc.).

A vendor that plans the precise form, look or working of an item, excluding jewelry, in writing before such item(s) is manufactured pursuant to that vendor’s specific request. To qualify as a designer, the vendor shall be required to submit specific design plans of all item(s) to be sold at the market. Jewelry NOT permitted in this category .

Youth Vendor
A vendor 17 years of age or younger that produces their own unique handmade goods. (no food)

Gourmet Food
A vendor that sells packaged foods or baked goods such as breads, pies, cakes and pastries which are intended/packaged for off-site consumption.

Onsite Food
APPLICATION DEADLINE 2/1. A vendor that prepares and sells food intended for onsite consumption (i.e. at the Market). Booth allows for use of propane and includes access to a SINGLE outlet for a maximum electrical draw of 1800 watts. Limited number of space available in this category. This is a juried category. All applications, menu details with pricing and pictures must be submitted before Feburary 1. Product quality and uniqueness will be reviewed by a jury and selected vendors will be notified in March. Payment in full will be due within 30 days of invite. In this category only, vendors must commit to a minimum of 10 market dates including ALL of September. Unfortunately, food trucks are not permitted at this event.

Snack Food
APPLICATION DEADLINE 2/1. A vendor that sells food substantially prepared off-site but intended for on-site consumption (i.e. at the market) and such food is neither packaged nor baked goods such as breads, pies, cakes and pastries. Limited number of space available in this category.

A vendor that sells fresh produce from his or her farm and/or a vendor that sells food products made of produce from his or her farm. Those farmers that attend all dates as selected on their application (minimum commitment of 10 dates) may, after the close of the season, have their deposit returned to them upon request. Farmers that miss any scheduled date will forfeit the full amount of the deposit. Any farmer that misses 3 of their scheduled dates will forfeit all remaining dates so that other farmers may be invited. Refund of deposit also requires farmers’ timely arrival for load-in (prior to 9am) and staffing your booth until 5pm (no vendors are permitted to pack or leave prior to 5pm). Limited to one stall per Sunday.
The Park Silly Sunday Market is a 501(C)3 not for profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.
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